The Executives

VP of university affairs

Hannah Kowalyk

The VPUA meets with SKHS Administration and student leaders across the University, as well as oversee half of the assembly members - ensuring that they have the support they need to fulfill the responsibilities of their role.


Varun Shah

The President represents the best interests of the students of Kinesiology. This role involves overseeing the advancement of PHEKSA, working alongside with the VPOPS and VPUA to ensure the best opportunities for students. Likewise, the President shall represent students at the Alma Mater Society Assembly, and act as a liaison between students, faculty and administration.

VP of Operations

Payton Rix

The VPOPS oversees all internal commissions within PHEKSA and works closely with the Finance Commissioner for the PHEKSA accounts and budgets. The VPOPS also works closely with the KIN Orientation Committee (ECKO) and assists in orientation week hiring.


The assembly

Finance Commissioner

Mara Majer

First Year Representative

Liv Solly

Third Year Representative

Nasser Nayed

Sr. Outreach Commissioner

Ava Khansari

Internal Affairs Commissioner

Cari Brown

First Year Representative

Kay Hartwick

Fourth Year Representative

Amy Posel

Jr. Communications Commissioner

Cynthia Charettee

Intern to the Executive

Maggie Johnston

Second Year Representative

Yasmin Asadi

Jr. Outreach Commissioner

Ben Solmon

Sr. Communications Commissioner

Yas Alamshahi

Jr. Academics Commissioner

Kiersten Landerville

Sr. Academics Commissioner

Anna Roper

Jr. Athletics Commissioner

Noah Johnsson

Jr. Athletics Commissioner

Tori Pears

Merchandise Commissioner

Alex Partridge

Sr. Athletics Commissioner

Reuben Bowley

Equity and Wellness Commissioner

Sophia Pourmatin

Social Commissioner

Matt Hopely

Coaches Corner Editor

Amelia Rodrigues

Formal Commissioner

Liza Squire-Fisher

Formal Commissioner

Olivia Elmon